Hi, I'm Prathamesh Saraf.
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Self-driven, learner-on-the-go, passionate programmer. A curious mind who enjoys solving a complex and challenging real-world problems. Vision is to use technology to make a difference in the lives of people.
I am an M.Tech Research post-graduate student in Computational and Data Sciences(CDS), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
Currently, part of Cloud Systems Lab (CSL) led by Dr J Lakshmi. Interest lies in Systems, Virtualization, Reinforcement Learning, Chatbot development and Machine Learning.
- Design, develop, and maintain multilingual text and IVR-based chatbots.
- Worked extensively on RASA, modified its open-source code to generate automated test cases from current and past conversations of users.
- Setup analytics services for chatbots that help in generating business leads.
- Streamlined bot development process.
- Tools: Python, Flask, Rasa, Azure, Aws, Redis

Implemented a distributed token based atomic broadcast protocol as part of Distributed Systems Course.
- Tools: Python
- Implemented a distributed token based atomic broadcast protocol
- Demonstrated the protocol using 2 broadcast servers and 2 application servers.
- Each application message had a global unique sequence number, with acknowledgement for each message packet received

A chatbot to teach C programming.
- Tools: Rasa, Flask, Telegram, Azure, StackOverflow Api
- A chatbot developed using RASA which helps users solve their C programming queries.
- Integrated with StackOverflow API to resolve complex queries.
- The bot is deployed on the Azure cloud and can be interfaced using Telegram and AimyBox.

Deep learning based parking assistant for autonomous cars

Created with love a chatbot powered by wit.ai to help out people in COVID pendemic.



Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bangalore
Karnataka, India
Degree: M.Tech(Res) in Computational and Data Sciences (CDS)
Lab: Cloud Systems Lab
- System Virtualization
- Distributed Systems
- Reinforcement Learning
Relevant Courseworks:
DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute
Maharashtra, India
Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: 9.24/10
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operating Systems
- Computer Networks
- Database Management Systems
- Machine Learning
Relevant Courseworks:
- Rasa Certified Chatbot Developer
- Andrew Ng: Machine Learning Coursera
- Deeplearning.ai - Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Deeplearning.ai - Deeplearning.ai: Improving Deep Neural Networks
- Crio Student Developer
- Runner up in RIT ML Hackathon.
- Ranked 5540 in Google Kickstart 2020
- Valedictorian in throughout Engineering.
- Ranked 4282 (Team: Warriors) in Google Hashcode 2020
- Ranked among the top 5% (2821 / 55654) in TCS code vita 2k19
- Among the top 10 teams in the E-Yantra robotics competition of IITB from 100 teams.
- The winner among 100’s of contestants of the ML Hackathon on HackerEarth hosted by 100 Days of ML.
- Founding member of ‘Coding Dojo’ - programming club at DKTES.
- Organized ‘Code-A-Thon 2k19’ a national level and ‘Coding Dojo 2k19’ an institute level programming event respectively at DKTES
- Conducted workshops on Python programming which helped non-technical students to crack TCS assessment.
- Created an AI repository on GitHub which helps students to learn the basics of Python and ML.
Github Link: https://github.com/dktes/moodle.ai
Social Media
Tech Channel: Algorithmist
Instagram Page: @life.inscribed
Flute Channel